Pest Control Houston TX – Pest Control Myths Busted…
False information is often shared so frequently that we eventually believe it is true. Here are 4 pest control myths we have recently heard around Houston that we want to correct.
Myth #1: Only dirty homes need pest control. While it is true that some homes that have clutter and messes have more than there share of problems, even clean homes can have pests.
We’ve gone into some of the cleanest homes possible and found serious pest problems. Pests crawl or fly in from outdoors, or they are unknowingly brought in on furniture, in infested food packages, and many other ways. That’s just the world we live in.
Remember, pests can (and do) affect all of us, and there is no reason to be embarrassed. Instead, call a local Houston pest control expert to get the pests out and keep them out with regular pest control service.
Myth #2: Rats and mice avoid water. Actually, norway (black) rats are excellent swimmers. They are sometimes carried long distances in floods or by rivers. They can swim across ditches and through sewer water — whatever it takes. Even mice can stay afloat for many hours.
Myth #3: Rats eat rodenticide, get thirsty and go outside to die. Even some long-time rat exterminators believe this and spread this myth. Fact is there is no scientific evidence that proves this is the case.
If anything, the rat control products don’t produce excessive thirst but may cause rats to experience breathing difficulties as most rat control materials are blood thinners. This could cause a rat to move around trying to get more air and end up outdoors. Maybe – but don’t count on it – no evidence there either.
Rats simply die where ever they take their last step — hopefully outdoors!
Myth #4: To get rid of bed bugs just throw out the mattress. Forget it! Yes, bed bugs are most likely to hide in a mattress, box springs, and bed frame, but they can be hiding in many other cracks and crevices in a room.
Throwing out the mattress means that 1) you’ve just harmed someone else, who may pick up the mattress for use and now must deal with bed bugs, and 2) most likely you’ll still have bed bugs, but now you’ll need to pay for bed bug control plus buy a new mattress.
Bed bugs need to be controlled by a pest control professional — don’t waste precious time and money trying to do it yourself. Call our bed bug experts today.