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Pest Library - Indian Meal Moth - Moth Control Houston - Moth Extermination
Indian Meal Moth Control Moth Control Solution >>
To get rid of Indian meal moths and stay ahead of them,
here's what you need to know:

here's what you need to know:
Indian Meal Moths are one of the many pests called stored product pests.
Aptly so-called as these pests reside, develop and feed in many of our food products stored in food warehouses and eventually stored in our pantries.
I've personally consumed half a bowl of raisin bran before noticing a floating pest doing the back stroke in my milk - instantly irritating and yucky!
The Indian Meal Moth was named such by an entomologist that observed the moth feeding on Indian meal (cornmeal). These moths are one of the most commonly found stored product pests in homes, food processing, food storage facilities and grocery stores.
Appearance: The wings are beige-tan on the front third and a reddish-brown-copper on the back two-thirds. Adult moths wing span is about 3/4 inch long.
Biology: Over about a two week period, adult females may lay up to 400 eggs on a food source for the larvae. Depending on environmental conditions, complete life cycles range from 28 to 306 days. 4-6 generations per year is common but up to 8 generations is possible under ideal conditions.
Habits: Indian meal moth larvae feed on flour, meal, whole grains, crackers, dry dog food, dried fruit and beans, nuts, bird seed, and even red peppers and chocolate. Larvae produce a silken webbing over the surface of the infested products.
Control: When activity is noticed, a thorough inspection should be done of the pantry and areas where any food products are stored. All contents of opened packages should be inspected as well as the folds and crevices of even unopened food packaging. Finding and discarding all infested products is essential to eliminating this pest.
Treatment of storage shelving and their crevices is important but this alone will not solve the problem -
Seek out and find all the infested sources or the problem will soon re-appear.
Go through all the products you have time to inspect and discard the rest. Uninfested products should be stored in insect-proof storage containers.
Professional Help:
Our pest control experts can help you eliminate your Indian meal moths or any pantry pest problem.
Call us today!
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Treatment of storage shelving and their crevices is important but this alone will not solve the problem -
Seek out and find all the infested sources or the problem will soon re-appear.
Go through all the products you have time to inspect and discard the rest. Uninfested products should be stored in insect-proof storage containers.
Professional Help:
Our pest control experts can help you eliminate your Indian meal moths or any pantry pest problem.
Call us today!
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