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The George Family Spring, TX

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Houston Pest Control Services

Houston, Texas is the largest city in the southern US and the 4th most populous city in the US.

Yet many folks would say Houston
ranks # 1 as the most populous city for bugs, insects and annoying pests!

Houston's mild, semi-tropical climate produces
tons of bugs and pests like roaches, ants, rats and termites. Here you often need an expert Houston pest control service company to stay ahead of pests and bugs...

       Welcome Neighbor. With over 3 decades of local Houston pest control experience, Protex Pest Control services help you enjoy a pest free home year-round. Browse our site and see why Protex is your best choice for expert pest control in Houston, Texas...

  Pest Library       Bug Blog       Reviews        Feaured Pest                Service Plans
     Protex Pest Control services offer protection against a host of Houston area pest invaders including --                                                                                             $ Specials $

Silverfish: Silverfish feed on fungal molds and organic matter that is common in the humid weather of Houston, Texas. They prefer to hide in attics, shake roofs, damp basements and crawl spaces which make it very hard to remove these pests. They can easily hide in cracks as they are less than 1 inch long. Silverfish don’t bite and don’t do significant damage in Houston but can be an annoyance by their presence and a pest control challenge.

Fleas: Fleas also prefer warm moist places and are more abundant during warm, humid weather which is the norm around the Houston area. Fleas are a major nuisance and irritation to pets and humans alike. They are blood feeders and can transmit diseases such as cat scratch fever and allergy dermatitis. Flea control in Houston can be difficult and often requires a professional solution for effective pest control extermination.
Protex's Freedom Plan protects your home against all the most common pest intruders --

Call Today for All Your Houston, Texas Pest Control Needs and...

      You'll get a uniformed, security-screened, skilled technician, eager to prevent and eliminate pest problems. Watch roaches, ants, termites, fleas, rats, mice, silverfish, spiders and other "creepy-crawlies" disappear fast - thanks to our locally-owned, on time service.

100% Guarantee

      Our service programs absolutely guarantee you effective results or we'll retreat 100% Free. You risk nothing. You'll be all smiles. See our client Testimonials.

If you'd like to maintain a healthier, pest-free home...

Call Now and Get a Live Person - 24/7.

      You'll get courteous answers to all your questions and a FREE, No-Obligation quote right over the phone. If it's after hours, a live person will take your call and we'll respond promptly when we get in. Or if you prefer, use this handy form for your Free Quick Quote.

You can reach us right now @


Houston, TX


Protex Pest Control, 700 Louisiana Street, Suite 3955, Houston TX 77002,  832-390-2562