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To Brown Recluse Spider
Black Widow Spider Control Spider Control Solutions >
To help get rid of Black Widow spiders and stay ahead of them, here's what you should know:
The Black Widow spider causes more concern than about any other group of spiders.
Black Widows are found in every state in the United States and more commonly in warmer parts of the country like the Houston Texas area.
The Black Widow spider gets transported around the country in boxcars, freight and moving vans and with other transport such as incomming ships. This has contributed to their wide spread distribution.
The female Black Widow is jet black, usually with a red hourglass shape on the underside of her globular abdomen. Her body measures about 1/2 inche long. Adult males do not look much like the female as their about half her size, have longer legs, and are not black but lighter colored with white streaks on the abdomen. Males are not consider a serious biting threat.
The Black Widows species spin erratic, irregular shaped webs that lack any design or form. Their thick, silken webs are very strong - more so than nearly all other arachnids or spider species. The black widow spider is retiring and shy and usually constructs her web in areas that are undisturbed where she hangs around belly facing up waiting for a meal.
Not an aggressive spider, it will bite in self defense if disturbed or threatened. Most Black Widow spider bites occur during accidental contact of a nesting site. Be carefull about leaving tennis shoes and clothing outdoors overnight as they may become an attractive Widow spider nest site.
Black Widows like to nest on the under side of boards, rocks, debris and in plantings. In the Houston and Spring Texas area, they have been commonly seen on the undersides of fence railings, playground equipment, in weep holes, in patio grills, outdoor A/C units and sometimes in tennis shoes left outdoors on the patio.
They prefer the outdoors but changes or extremes in weather may cause this spider to migrate to the inside of homes and buildings. They also may hitch a ride inside potted plants or other items brought in from outdoors.
Take precautions in the Houston area when working outdoors to avoid contacting this spider possibly hiding under or in something. Gloves may help prevent a painful bite.
Black Widow bites may result in nausea, headache, elevated blood pressure, muscle spasms, eccessive prespiration, difficult breathing and shock may occur in some cases. Get to the doctor immediately for treatment should you suffer their bite.
Black Widow Spider Control
To help control the black widow spider, try to reduce or elliminate yard debris and other non-essential outdoor stored items to help minimize hiding spots. Inspecting for and sweeping down webs, spiders and egg sacs and stepping on them will help destroy some activity. Periodic spider web hunts may aid in reducing the population. This spider may not sucumb to some insecticides.
Professional Help:
Our regular exterior services reduces the Black Widow's insect food supply as well as directly treating these spiders. Call us today!
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