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Avoid Carpenter Ants – Hire a Houston Pest Control Pro

Pest Control Houston TX – Carpenter Ant Control …

Carpenter Ants in Houston TX.

Carpenter Ants Damage Houston Homes

Carpenter Ants in Houston TX —

Pest control companies in Houston report that ant infestations can be difficult to control once they have invaded your home or business.

Without the help of a Houston pest control professional, Texas residents who are suffering from a carpenter ant infestation could endure serious structural damages and expensive home or business repair costs.

There are fourteen different species of carpenter ants that can be found in Texas. The black carpenter ant is the largest species of carpenter ant in Texas. You will find this ant mostly in outdoor wooded areas.

Outdoors, carpenter ants can be found nesting in tree stumps, dead tree parts, tree roots, fences, landscape timbers, and firewood piles. Carpenter ants feed on dead and living insects, and the sweet liquid produced by aphids and scale insects.

There are two indoor species of carpenter ants that are most commonly found in Texas. These large worker ants range in size from ¼ inch to ½ inch and are dull red bodied with black abdomens. Like all ant colonies, carpenter ants are social insects. Indoors, carpenter ants feed on meats and sweets.

Carpenter ants will infest a structure indoors and live in the cracks and crevices of between structural timbers. Sometimes carpenter ants also pick non-wood areas to nest in including hollow toliet lids, hollows of pull down window shades, and hollow doors.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood; instead they form nesting galleries within the confines of the wood, often living undetected.

Carpenter ant damage occurs as the ants enlarge their nesting caves to make more room for their growing colony. Carpenter ants prefer moist, decaying dry-rotted wood, but will also attack healthy wood to form their nesting galleries.

Houston pest control professionals say that piles of sawdust-like wood shavings, and dead colony members that accumulate near exit holes, are a clear indication of a carpenter ant infestation. Nests are often well hidden inside of wall voids, attics, ceilings, subfloors, doors, fascia boards, and roofing materials.

Once established indoors, it’s not uncommon for the resourceful carpenter ant to set up satellite colonies in other locations within the structure.

Controlling carpenter ants requires a combination of efforts. The best way to control carpenter ant infestations is to locate and destroy the nests, eliminate the moisture they need, and remove conducive conditions that may attract carpenter ants.

Protex Pest Control can provide you will expert carpenter ant eradication services. Contact us today!

Re: Pest Control Houston TX – Carpenter Ant Control.

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